Sunday, November 29, 2009

A special thanks from the Coach's wife!

This morning, it is hard to accept, but the '09 season has come to a close. Saying goodbye is never easy but this year's team will make it more even more difficult! Looking back over the past eleven months it is easy to see why the '09 Cooper Football Team will be fondly remembered. Last January, the seniors with focus and determination began their season. With unmatched effort and unselfishness they grew into a strong family....a 'band of brothers'. Talented and disciplined they fought their way to the top of District 4-4A to win outright the District Championship, for the first time since '03. Battling on, they added Bi- District and Area Championships to their list of accomplishments.

To all of the fans, friends, and faculty that supported....we thank you!

To the Cooper Band, drill team, cheerleaders and pep squad that played and cheered...we thank you! You make everything more fun!

To the Dad's and Mom's, and families that loved....we thank you!

To "Doc", the trainers, filmers that helped....we thank you!

To the coaches wives and children that understood....we thank you!

To all the coaches, you made a difference and we thank you!

...and to the 2009 Cooper Football Team that inspired us...we thank you!
It was a satisfying season. One we'll always remember!

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